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hu·man·ly: from a human point of view.

plau·si·ble: seeming reasonable or probable.

Welcome to a celebration of radical humanity and the plausibility of living with unapologetic purpose. A place where positive empowerment becomes a reasonable or probable outcome in all that we do, and for all those we influence.

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Home Blog Podcast 11 – Season 02 – Can Internal Culture Destroy A Brand?
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Podcast 11 – Season 02 – Can Internal Culture Destroy A Brand?

Richard and Roly sit down with Heather Frey of Smash Fit to discuss internal culture and how it can impact the overall brand.

Heather Frey / Founder of Smash Fit
Heather Frey is the owner and founder of, a site which focuses not just on the physical side of fitness, but on the mental and emotional sides as well. Heather is also the fitness expert for the TV show, Inside South Florida, where you can find her weekly segments about everything from nutrition to workout moves to mental fitness strategy. She is also an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, a certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, published author, fitness and life strategist, speaker, writer, artist, and former Figure Champion, as well as a wife and mother to two girls.

Working with clients led her to create The Change Challenge, a change by change, phase by phase fitness strategy, which was launched on The Ricki Lake Show. She then became the show’s social media fitness expert, leading weekly discussions and educating people on how to make the right nutritional and fitness choices to suit their life and goals.

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